The 'Tuna Master of the Year Belt' will find its new owner in Alaçatı.
This year, under the main sponsorship of Bitci.com, hosted by Teos Marina and with the patronage of Seferihisar Municipality, the 7th Bitci.com Tuna Masters Teos Fishing Tournament concluded with an awards ceremony for the master fishermen after the second competition day.
The tournament, which began with registration and briefings on September 8 and 9, 2022, saw participation from 51 teams, including renowned masters such as Erkut Soyak, Gökhan Çarmıklı, Turgut Konukoğlu, Suat Yiğit, Mahmut Özgener, Altuğ Aksoy, Sinan Kuran, and Bülent Delican. The teams registered from marinas around Seferihisar, as well as from countries like Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Monaco. On the morning of September 10, they set sail for the Sığacık Bay to catch the biggest fish.
In addition to the competition at Tuna Masters Teos, many leading brands also participated as supporters with their products. For the first time this year, Driftwood artist Cem Özipek showcased his works in the “Coming from the Sea” exhibition at the Tuna Master Tournaments.
As the time to pull the lines out of the water approached at 17:00, with reports of 9 fish caught throughout the day, excitement heightened with announcements starting at 16:56, indicating that 9 more teams had hooked fish. After a 45-minute extension for the competitions, a total of 11 teams returned to shore on the first day of the tournament with 15 Bluefin Tuna after catching 6 new fish.
Following the weighing and measuring of the fish caught on the first day, in the Most Fish category, the TORNADO team, consisting of Mahmut Özgener, Can Özgener, Dan Levent, Ethem Çolak, Özdemir Kuran, İsmail Cider, and Recep Can, caught 3 Bluefin Tuna weighing 42.200 Kg, 62.100 Kg, and 67.200 Kg. They gained an advantage over the SHAMU team, which caught 2 Bluefin Tuna weighing 70.260 Kg and 66.500 Kg, made up of Sinan Kuran, Talya Kuran, Kayra Kuran, Renay Onur, Kürşat Çetin, Halit Aslandağ, and Eray Tamgaç, as well as the SİS 35 team, consisting of Özgür Sezgin, Fikret Mesut Kocabıyık, Reyhan Sezgin, and İpek Kocabıyık, who caught 2 Bluefin Tuna weighing 49.300 Kg and 49.900 Kg.
The largest fish of the day was an 89.800 Kg Bluefin Tuna caught by the FIUME team, consisting of Serkan Sezginer, Serdar Sezginer, Serhat İnceoğlu, and Veli Yılmaz.
The minimum fish size announced as 140 cm on the first competition day was raised to 150 cm on the second day of the competition. On a day that witnessed 62 battles, 10 Bluefin Tuna were brought to shore. After weighing and measuring the caught fish, the scores from the two-day competitions were calculated, leading to the awards ceremony.
The FIUME team, which caught an 89.800 Kg Bluefin Tuna on the first day, won the BIGGEST FISH award. In the MOST FISH category, the TORNADO team, which caught 3 Bluefin Tuna weighing 42.200 Kg, 62.100 Kg, and 67.200 Kg, came in first with 1029.3 points, while the STAFU team, consisting of Burak Galip Akkurt, Ahmet Akıncı, Ahmet Turan, Serkan Aşkar, Cem Akkurt, and Mehmet Çelik, who caught a 47.60 Kg Bluefin Tuna and released Bluefin Tuna of 155 cm and 163 cm alive, came in second with 958.8 points. The SİS 35 team, made up of Özgür Sezgin, Fikret Mesut Kocabıyık, Reyhan Sezgin, and İpek Kocabıyık, caught Bluefin Tuna weighing 49.30 Kg, 49.90 Kg, and 56.60 Kg, finishing third with 934.8 points.
The ODIN team, consisting of Macit Akad, Liya Akad, Tolga Kömüş, and Mehmet Dönmez, who caught a 175 cm Bluefin Tuna and released it alive and healthy, earned the JURY SPECIAL AWARD with 734.1 points.
The special award of the Tuna Masters 2022 series, the “Tuna Master of the Year Belt,” will be awarded to its new owner at the end of the competitions held from September 15 to 18 at Alaçatı Port Marina.