This year, the 9th edition of the StafuPro Tuna Masters TEOS 2024 Fishing Tournament, held under the main sponsorship of StafuPro, hosted by Teos Marina, and under the auspices of Seferihisar Municipality, concluded with an award ceremony following the third day of competitions.

All masters of offshore fishing once again pursued big fish at StafuPro Tuna Masters TEOS 2024, which has become one of the largest tournaments in Turkey and Europe, attracting record interest with the participation of 61 boats, making it the first leg of the Tuna Masters series.

On the first competition day of the StafuPro Tuna Masters TEOS 2024, 61 boats went to sea and returned with 1 Bluefin tuna and 1 dorado, compliant with the tournament criteria.

The Bluefin tuna caught by the SHAMU team, consisting of Sinan Kuran, Kaan Kuran, Halit Aslandağ, Eray Tamgaç, and Engin Çetinkaya, measured 160 cm in length, 103 cm in diameter, and weighed 61.720 kg according to the judges’ scale and measurement. The dorado caught by the DEMİRELS team, consisting of Abdullah Demirel, Arda Demirel, Batuhan Özçimen, and Harun Özdemir, weighed 6.600 kg. On the second day of the tournament, expert anglers returned with 5 Bluefin tunas in pursuit of big fish.

According to the judges’ scale and measurements; the Bluefin tuna caught by the GUSTO MARE team, consisting of Ahmet Turan and Berat Fidan, measured 140 cm in length, 83 cm in diameter, and weighed 37.90 kg; the Bluefin tuna caught by the FIUME team, consisting of Serkan Sezginer, Serdar Sezginer, Veli Yılmaz, and İhsan Meletlioğlu, measured 150 cm in length, 88 cm in diameter, and weighed 44.100 kg; the Bluefin tuna caught by the LENAR team, consisting of Ali Levent Özcan, Ataman Ege, Deniz Karataş, Eren Deniz Karataş, and Semih Yeşilyurt, measured 155 cm in length, 98 cm in diameter, and weighed 49.200 kg; the Bluefin tuna caught by the YALI 35 team, consisting of Suat Can Tokgöz, Veysel Erdoğan, İsmet Cankurt, Serkan Yener, and İsmail Yener, measured 151 cm in length, 94 cm in diameter, and weighed 49.75 kg; and the Bluefin tuna caught by the STAFU team, consisting of Burak Galip Akkurt, Ahmet Akıncı, Serkan Aşkar, Cem Akkurt, and Mehmet Çelik, measured 162 cm in length, 87 cm in diameter, and weighed 54.650 kg.

An award ceremony was held based on the weights and measurements of the fish caught on the final day of the tournament. The STAFU team, which caught a Bluefin tuna weighing 54.650 kg, secured 327.9 points and finished third in the overall standings. The awards were presented to the STAFU team by Vidal İtkin from DEPAR company. The MGS team, which caught a Bluefin tuna weighing 54.75 kg, earned 328.44 points and finished second overall. The MGS team received their awards from Faruk Günlü, the Director of Teos Marina. The FIUME team, which caught a Bluefin tuna weighing 46.5 kg, reached a total of 543.60 points with 2 fish, becoming the first in the overall standings. The FIUME team received their awards from Burak Galip Akkurt and his wife Merve Akkurt, the owners of the STAFU brand.

The Big Fish award of StafuPro Tuna Masters TEOS 2024 went to the SHAMU team, which returned to shore with a 61.720 kg Bluefin tuna on the first day of the tournament. The awards were presented to the SHAMU team by İsmail Yetişkin, the Mayor of Seferihisar.

In a statement about the tournament, organizer Murat İyriboz said, “For 8 years, we have been accustomed to catching many and big fish in Teos. During the StafuPro Tuna Masters TEOS 2024 days, the sea water temperature was around 27 degrees, sending the fish to depths of 120 – 140 meters. Despite 8-9 large fish getting hooked, they managed to break the line and win the battle. As a result, the teams that won awards were determined through millimeter calculations. The points won in Teos will carry over to the Raymarine Tuna Masters Alaçatı 2024, the next leg of the Champions League Tuna Masters, from September 19-22, 2024. The highly anticipated Tuna Masters 2024 champions will be announced on September 22,” he stated.

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